Traits of a Narcissist

Are you worried that someone you know might be narcissistic? 

Narcissism exists on a spectrum, meaning that while we all possess some degree of narcissistic traits, for some individuals, it can become a dominant way of life. When these traits are high on the spectrum, they can be detrimental to those around them.

To raise awareness and educate ourselves on the warning signs of narcissistic behavior, I have created this list of red flags to look out for. This list is not meant to diagnose someone as a narcissist but rather to serve as a guide to understanding the characteristics of narcissistic individuals. From a lack of genuine empathy to a sense of superiority, this list may help you explore the common characteristics of narcissistic people. I hope this list will support you in identifying and avoiding toxic dynamics in your life.

  • A belief that they are superior to others or look down on others
  • A sense of entitlement and expecting to be treated differently than others
  • An excessive need for admiration and validation
  • A lack of empathy and an inability to understand or care about the feelings and needs of others
  • A tendency to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance and a preoccupation with power, success, attractiveness, intelligence, or ideal love
  • A constant need for attention, it may be through social media or other forms of public display
  • A tendency to blame others for their failures or shortcomings
  • A lack of accountability for their actions and a tendency to blame others for their mistakes
  • A tendency to be excessively competitive and to view others as rivals or enemies
  • A need to control and dominate others, both in personal and professional relationships
  • A tendency to have unstable and intense relationships, often characterized by love-bombing, devaluation, and discarding
  • A tendency to be highly critical and judgmental of others, especially those who challenge or disagree with them
  • They are envious of others and believe others are envious of them
  • They have a tendency to exaggerate their achievements and talents
  • May have difficulty regulating their emotions or have no emotions at all
  • A tendency to not admit when they have made a mistake
  • May not take accountability or responsibility for their words/actions/behaviors
  • An inflated sense of self-importance and grandiosity
  • A lack of insight into their own behavior and the impact that it has on others
  • A tendency to react to criticism or rejection with anger, defensiveness, or devaluation of the critic or rejecter.

Understanding the characteristics of narcissistic behavior can help you identify red flags in your interactions with others. Keep in mind that not every trait listed needs to be present for someone to exhibit narcissistic behavior. When these traits are consistently present, it can lead to toxic and unhealthy relationships. 

It is important to trust your instincts and if you suspect someone close to you might be displaying narcissistic traits, seek help and support. Educating yourself on this topic can help you protect yourself and improve your relationships with others. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and it’s important to surround yourself with people who will support and respect you in return.

Check out my YouTube video on the 10 Traits of a Narcissist